Your non-emergency number is the number you should use to report all non-emergency
situations. Using your non-emergency number allows your 9-1-1 center to better prioritize
calls and gets help to those in life or property threatening situations as fast as
possible. Your non-emergency call may take a little longer for dispatch to answer - please, don't hang up! Your call is important to us and the agencies we serve!
New Non-Emergency Phone Tree
In an effort to maximize the efficiency of our staff we began using an automated
attendant on our non-emergency line (503-629-0111). We asked our
dispatchers/call-takers about those calls they answer and transfer to another
agency most often. The top two were included in the system and are shown
below. It is our goal to route all calls for service needing an
emergency or non-emergency police, fire or EMS response in the most expedient
manner possible.
When you call our non-emergency line you will hear the recording diagrammed below.
If you know you need a non-emergency response just press zero (0). You do not need
to wait to hear that option on the recording.
para Español.
for Spanish.
for the Washington County Jail.
for Washington County Animal Services.
to reach a Call Taker for all other non-emergency needs.
The non-emergency number for Washington county is 503-629-0111.
Here is a complete listing of non-emergency numbers for the Portland Metropolitan area.